
Zanelli -  Industrial Mixers & Dispersers

About Zanelli

Since 1962, the company has expanded in terms of technological innovation, producing high quality, dependable products, owing to efficient and competent collaborators who are always up to date on industry news and regulations, as well as cognizant of the needs of an ever-changing market.

John Godrich Ltd has represented Zanelli in UK and Ireland for over 20 years and we have supplied a wide range of mixing machines backed up with our process knowledge and on-site service.

As a backing to John Godrich\'s laboratory machines, Zanelli has a pilot testing laboratory which is available for our customers to try (at a nominal charge) with their products at a large enough scale to simulate actual production. Many of our UK customers have appreciated the use of this facility enabling them to select the correct specifications for mixing and extruding equipment. This is especially true with a product of complex rheology or where products are temperature sensitive and the heat transfer coefficients (kLa) for scale-up can be assured.


Zanelli has three main areas of expertise:


Mixers & Turbodispersers

Turbo dispersers

Butterfly mixers

Multiple shaft mixer/dispersers


Planetary Mixers & Dispersers

Able to process products of very high viscosity and density thanks to the

robustness and extreme reliability of all the parts that compose them.



Extrusion Presses Machines

Capable to process thixotropic products from low medium to very high viscosity.

View our Zanelli product range >>